Certifications & Registrations


FAEXIM PRIVATE LIMITED is a Government Certified Entity. Our Customers could be completely assured about our Company.

IEC : FAEXIM is registered with Director General of Foreign Trade (DGFT), Ministry of Commerce, India.

GST: FAEXIM is registered with The Indian Tax Department GST council (Goods & Service Tax).

MSME: We are Registered under Ministry of Micro, Small, Medium Enterprises (MSME).

FOSCOS & FSSAI: FAEXIM is certified by the Food Safety Compliance System (FoSCoS); Registered under Food Safety & Standard Act (FSSAI).

APEDA: Agricultural & Processed Food Product Export Development Authority. APEDA is an Export Promotion Council of India, for all the Agricultural and Processed Foods.

CDB: Coconut Development Board is an Export Promotion Council that deals with the different Coconut Products in India. FAEXIM PRIVATE LIMITED is a Certified Member of CDB.